A Monthly Online Poetry Magazine Featuring Poets from Around the World

Come enjoy the performances and reading by 20 poets from around the world each month on the 28th day. Uniquely, we share the poems on your screen-  all can read along while seeing and hearing the poet! Like reading along with an anthology journal of outstanding and diverse poets.  Now on Youtube Channel Planet Poetry 28. 

About this Event

It is often difficult to fully enjoy an offering in poetry on Zoom: the poet becomes a two dimensional talking head, with no eye contact and poor audio. We can get so much more out of the work if all read along. Poetry seen and heard on Zoom makes poetry new and enjoyable. Hear and see the beat of today’s Zoom poets in English.

Direct Zoom URL:


Next Event: Tuesday, December 28, 2021    Time: 5:00-7:30 PM ET (NY)

Please contact me to be put on the mailing list and for more info or to register to read. Be a part of Planet Poetry 28!